2001 Deletions

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Cigar Name
Vitola de Salida
Factory Name
Vitola de Galera
Ring x mm
Common Name
Relative Scale
Por Larranaga Lonsdales Pre-1960 - Discontinued 2001Cervantes42 x 165 (6.5")LonsdalePor Larranaga Lonsdales
Por Larranaga Largos de Larranaga Pre-1960 - Discontinued 2001Deliciosos (old)35 x 159 (6.3")PanetelaPor Larranaga Largos de Larranaga
Ramon Allones Toppers Pre-1960 - Discontinued 2001Toppers39 x 160 (6.3")PanetelaRamon Allones Toppers
Partagas Capitols Pre-1960 - Discontinued 2001Petit Cetros40 x 129 (5.1")Petit CoronaPartagas Capitols
Partagas Tres Petit Coronas Pre-1960 - Discontinued 2001Franciscanos40 x 116 (4.6")Petit CoronaPartagas Tres Petit Coronas

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